Why Email Marketing Is Still Important In 2021

The Importance Of Email Marketing

Hearing rumors that ‘email marketing is outdated’ makes you wonder if you should include it in your digital marketing campaign. Well, the answer is a YES; it should be included because emails are far from dead!


It’s because there may be about 4.1 billion email users at the end of 2021. And the number is expected to increase by more than 4.3 billion by 2023. 

Besides, do you know why so many people trust and believe in emails for advertising? 

It’s mainly because it is a great way to connect with leads to nurture and convert them into customers. Besides, emails are a great way to ensure your customers don’t miss out on any updates. 

Here’s how else why email marketing is essential for you and your business. 

1. Generates website traffic

Your emails will not only contain informational content. It will also include CTAs that send users to your website’s contact, sign-up or download page to engage and take action. You end up with leads that find your content exciting and who may end up potential customers. 

2. Can improve sales

Not many realize how effectively emails can help increase sales. Including products or services, along with your sales, discounts, or some promotional activity details, may entice customers to buy them.

3. Easily reach audiences

You easily reach your audience because people tend to constantly check their emails. It means you can quickly get them at the right time too. 

4. Cost-effective

Emails are budget-friendly because you only pay a writer to create email content and for an automation service. It’s better than direct mail, paid advertising where you pay for every click, and traditional, expensive TV or print ads. 

5. Saves time

You need only a day or two to create content for email campaigns. And instead of manually and repeatedly sending a message to each lead, it’s automatically done through email marketing automation services. 

6. Effective mobile marketing

With more people using mobile devices, email marketing effectively keeps interacted with mobile consumers. It’s because about 61% of emails are read on smartphones and tablets, proving it’s an effective business reach tactic. 

Just ensure you create email content with a responsive design. It should include small images that easily and quickly load short and sweet content and easily clickable email links. 

7. An automated advertising process

Unlike most digital marketing processes that you can’t automate, emails are easy to automate. For example, a consumer visits your site, adds some products to their cart but leaves without making a purchase. 

You can shortly send an email to the consumer to remind them about their abandoned cart. You don’t even have to worry about sending messages. The automation system does it for you while you focus on your business and other tasks. 

8. Personalized content for better response rates

There is no fixed template to follow; you can personalize your content to cater to your audience’s needs. For example, emails with the recipient’s first name in them have higher click-through rates than those that don’t. 

You can also categorize your audience based on common characteristics like geographic area, interests, or demographic information. Emails for each segment will have different messages, images, or subject lines. 

You can also divide them based on their stage in your sales funnel and create appropriate content. 

9. Interactive

Emails let you provide interactive content with a higher appeal and response rate than most target market groups. You can include and share interactive email content like embedded video content through social media share buttons. 

10. Helps gather feedback

Emails help you monitor your customer’s experience by collecting their feedback. It lets you understand your customers better to make future improvements. 

11. Easily measurable

Most platforms let you track your email marketing efforts through open, click-through, and conversion rates. You can also see how many people unsubscribe from your list after opening the email. 

You can then use the data collected to assess how well your email campaigns contribute to your overall revenue. 

Last but not least, emails lets you keep in touch with customers. Most customers don’t like watching videos but don’t mind receiving emails. They like it when updated about promotions and launches of new products.  

In short, email marketing is indeed an effective digital marketing strategy and is still important. As long as you research your customers and build quality content, emails can help you communicate with your audience, increase sales and help form long-term relationships with customers.  

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